
April 2019 Events

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Please join us for a fun night of Performance Karaoke. It is unlike any karaoke you have ever done. We give you a stage, professional sound/lighting equipment, and an audience that enjoys singers and music. It is time for you to shine and have some fun performing your favorite song with like minded people who love and support you.

Where: Campbell UCC – 400 W. Campbell Ave. 95008

When: April 27th, 2019 – 7:00pm – 11pm

Entrance Fee:NONE — this is a free event. Feel free to donate if you wish, but donations are not required.

Snacks and Desserts:
Snacks, drinks and desserts will be available and donations are gratefully received.

At 7:00pm, the microphone will open and karaoke begins. We have top of the line, professional sound system, so you can shine. There are also around 5,000 songs to choose from. You can also search and request a song here.
Write your selected song on a ticket using the song number, song name, and your name and give to the Karaoke Host.

Singers will be called on a first come/first served basis, but we will try to keep the rotation going and give everyone a chance to sing. There is a time capacity for the amount of songs we can fit into a 4 hour period, so we may need to change the rules depending on the amount of singers. Please be respectful to all singers. This may be the first time anyone has performed karaoke. At this event, we strive to make everyone feel welcome and like a superstar!